Volatility Insights
Watching some historical volatility numbers on shares of Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) we can see that the 30 days volatility is presently 1.42%. The 7 days volatility is 0.89%. Following volatility data can help measure how much the stock price has fluctuated over the specified time period. Although past volatility action may help project future stock volatility, it may also be vastly different when taking into account other factors that may be driving price action during the measured time period.
The company has a beta of 1. 1.00 indicates that its price is correlated with the market. Less than 1.00 shows less volatility than the market. Beta greater than 1.00 indicates that the security’s price is theoretically more volatile than the market.
The Average True Range (ATR) value reported at 1.04. The average true range (ATR) is a technical analysis indicator that measures volatility by decomposing the entire range of an asset price for that period. A stock experiencing a high level of volatility has a higher ATR, and a low volatility stock has a lower ATR. The ATR may be used by market technicians to enter and exit trades, and it is a useful tool to add to a trading system. It was created to allow traders to more accurately measure the daily volatility of an asset by using simple calculations. The indicator does not indicate the price direction; rather it is used primarily to measure volatility caused by gaps and limit up or down moves. The ATR is fairly simple to calculate and only needs historical price data.
Investors tracking shares of Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) may be focusing on where the stock is trading relative to its 52-week high and low. At the time of writing, the stock had recently reached at $68.42. At this price, shares can be seen trading -18.05% off of the 52-week high mark and 5.83% away from the 52-week low. Investors often pay increased attention to a stock when it is nearing either mark. The Price Range 52 Weeks is one of the tools that investors use to determine the lowest and highest price at which a stock has traded in the previous 52 weeks. It has a market cap of $291.91B.
Volume Evaluation
Active moving action has been spotted in Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) on Monday as stock is moving on change of 0.43% from the open. The US listed company saw a recent price trade of $68.42 and 10660256 shares have traded hands in the session. There are 11.27M shares which are traded as an average over the last three months period.
Volume in stock indicates how many stocks have traded in exchange. This is a very important data and we can get lot of details from it. Low volume means there are less number of stocks traded in exchange. We should stay away from such stocks as there is a liquidity risk involved. Also such stocks do not have a good reputation hence less number of people wants to trade it.
High Volume: Generally good stocks have high volume, which reduces liquidity risk. More people are trading these stocks indicate more people want them in their portfolio. An idea can be put forward is that more people believe that company is good, might be going through bad phase but still people are trading it.
Sudden change in volume: One of the important indicator is change in volume. If volume is increasing and price is also increasing, this is a buy signal. If price is decreasing and volume is increasing. Sell your stock.
Performance Levels
Looking performance record on shares of Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) we observed that the stock has seen a move -13.46% over the last 52-week trading period. The stock generated performance of -0.20% tracking last 3 months and -7.03% over the recent 6 months. Investors will be anxiously watching to see if things will turn around and the stock will start gaining or losing momentum over the next few months. If we look back year-to-date, the stock has performed 0.34%. Shares are at -1.37% over the previous week and 1.26% over the past month.
Analyst Views: Fluctuating the focus to what the Wall Street analysts are projecting, we can see that the current consensus target price on shares is $79.2. Analysts often put in a lot of work to study stocks that they cover. Wall Street analysts have a consensus recommendation of 2.8 on this stock. This number falls on a one to five scale where a 1 would be considered a strong buy and 5 means a strong sell, 2 shows Buy, 3 Hold, 4 reveals Sell recommendation.
Technical Considerations
Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) stock positioned -7.95% distance from the 200-day MA and stock price situated -1.32% away from the 50-day MA while located -1.82% off of the 20-day MA. Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) traded moved -6.43% from the 50-day high price and spotted a change of 3.19% from the 50-day low point.
RSI value sited with reading of 46.81. RSI is one of the most popular and widely used technical indicators that provides us with many ways to generate buy and sell signals. The fact that RSI is a bounded oscillator (it takes on values from 0 to 100) allows us to identify overbought and oversold levels quite easily. Wilder considered RSI values over 70 overbought and values below 30 oversold, but these values can be adjusted to suit particular needs and markets. For instance, 80 could be used as overbought line in a strong uptrend and 20 as oversold line in a strong downtrend.
Charles Frey
Category – Business
After many years in the market, Charles Frey dedicated all his time to write articles highlighting different financial problems. He has worked as financial analyst until his retirement. He is a well-known research director and portfolio manager for more than 5 years.
Charles holds a postgraduate degree in Software Engineering. ‘The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.’ Charles is a share market expert, being personally invested for over 6 years. He has been writing his entire life, and while he has made a career of business and finance reporting, he still enjoys writing short stories and poetry.
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2019-12-03 12:01:00Z
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